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What are you afraid of? Let's be realistic...When you are afraid of something your heart races. Your palms become sweaty. You may even hyperventilate. These are all tale-tale signs that what you are about to do is terrifying the crap out of you. So how do you stop it? It's simple....you can't! Yes, I said it...you can't! So why are you trying?
Your body's natural impulses are only natural. However, it's the way that you deal with these impulses that you DO have control over. You can either tuck that tail between your legs and run away as fast as you can, or you can chose to face your fears. I hope when it comes to dedicating yourself to weight loss you chose the latter.
So what is it about weight loss that scares you? Is it the fear of having to starve yourself just to lose a few pounds? Maybe it's the fear that no matter what you do it will never work. Well, I'm here to tell you that your attitude is everything, and if you aren't coming to battle with the right attitude then you might as well tuck that tail between your legs and run.
The choice is yours. What will you choose?